Averitt Express Averitt Express

Averitt Express Inc
Cookeville, TN
MC-121600 DoT 36684

Company Website
FMCSA Company Snapshot
Facebook - Averitt Express Friends
Wikipedia - Averitt Express
youtube - Averitt Express
youtube - Averitt Truckload Services
US Trademark
Transport Topics - Averitt Express
Profiled in Mike Terebecki's The Trucking Pioneers Book iX (click image to see Book index)


Seller Name Seller
Gallatin-Portland Freight Lines Inc Gallatin TN sld1979 DQ
Columbia Motor Express Inc Columbia TN sld1983 DQ
Blount Motor Lines Inc Louisville TN sld1984 DQ
Mountain Express Inc Sparta TN sld1984 DQ
Jackson Express Inc Jackson TN sld1985 DQ
Bornaugh Motor Freight Inc Lexington KY sld1986 DQ
Nashville-Clarksville Express Inc St Bethlehem TN sld1986 DQ
Quick Transportation Inc Nashville TN sld1986 DQ

Patches of it that are in my project - Facebook Trucking Industry Insignia Patches

c01b c02b c04b c05b c06b c07b c08b o01b c01b

Other known patches


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Note that patches sold by "freedomfifty2k" and "bob82ndabn325inf"are likely promo/replica patches, not patches actually used by the company represented.